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Thursday, June 2, 2011

And it's taking off. The business logistics side of things and health insurance.

What a hectic period. In getting this thing started the massive amount of business logistics which have been out into place is pretty daunting. We've learned about structuring the business in terms of a LLC vs an S-Corp, how tax deductions happen, how I get paid , and how health insurance works. The last was a nice surprise. 

I've been hearing for a while now that the cost of health insurance was going to be a big hit to the pocketbook, and I had a pleasant surprise on Friday. My financial planner (oh yeah you need one of those..) and I were working out the health insurance numbers for our family (2 adults, 1 child). A bit of background we are relatively healthy family and don't have any "pre-existing conditions", smoke, drink or any other issues. We may be in the minority but that's the lucky hand we were dealt. That said I was still freaking out about the horror stories I've been told. To keep the costs low we established an $5000 HSA account and that is our deductible. Again we are fairly healthy so doctor visits are pretty uncommon and while $5k is large it's not that significant if a major surgery is required. All said and done my monthly medical insurance costs are actually on-par with my former employer sponsored plan or $400 per month. I still think it's pretty costly but not the crazy numbers (> $1k/mo) I was being told. That said a colleague of mine in a different state is paying the enormous price. It's where you live I guess.. 

So whats the point of this? A long time ago I was in the military and I remember the career military folks saying how difficult it would be outside of the Navy. They would claim that life was so un-predictable and that job security was non-existent. It has been tough but suffice to say that for me and a certain portion of the ex-military, life outside of the service can happen and you can be successful. I think the same is true for entrepreneurship, it is tough but you can make it. I make no illusions of the future, I'm scared to death of failure and what if anything the future has in store for me. But it is through my success or failure which determine this; I can't control it but I can try my best to manage it.

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